Total Value Chain Mapping & Analysis

Best Practice Component: Total Value Chain Mapping & Analysis

Best Practice Topic

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(0 - 3)

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Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.


Draw The Value Chain(s) And The Flow Of Materials & Information

I have mapped the total value chain starting with the ultimate user/consumer and working back though the chain to show how the products/services and knowledge flows.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Identify The Main Players and Their Interests

I have defined the main players throughout the chain and their interests.

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(0 - 3)

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Cost Distribution & Margin Capture

I have identified how relative cost is distributed through the value chain starting at the final point of purchase or use and have identified the margin capture - who makes what?

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(0 - 3)

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Decision Making & Decision Flow

I have identified where the significant decisions are taken and by whom and I have mapped the impact and 'flow' of the decisions through the chain.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Engagement With Key Players in The Value Chain

I have established relationships and levels of understanding with the key players throughout the value chain and have identified potential development partners.

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(0 - 3)

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What If Analysis

I have conducted what if analysis to identify the critical points of influence and I have identified what I could influence and how.

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(0 - 3)

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I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Questions Raised and Additional Information Required

I have identified the information I should gain and the questions I should address and have determined what I should do next.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



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